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Miyu  (Pirate) 

tag-science fiction,action,adventure,romance,slice of life



Kid Miyu Age 10 



Name- Miyu (first name) Unknow (last name)

Ages- 10 Child, 17 Teen, 24 Adult 

Looks- in pics (she has blue eye's)

Race- Midchildan wolf

Homeland- Midchida

Height- 4'4 Child, 5'1 Teen, 5'5 Adult 

weight- 110 Child, 120, Teen, 127 Adult

chest- 12 AAA Child, 23 B Teen, 32 C Adult

Likes- playing with everyone,animals,her home planet,childs(when shes older),flowers,being with her friends,cleaning,cooking,fighting (when older),protecting the people around her,food,ice cream (more later)

Dislikes- the black maket,evil man,fighting (as a child),being used or saled,sour food or sweets,darkness,being alone,dark man,monsters,bugs,big animals (more later)


Bio-miyu was born on a far off plante know as midchida a plante full of half human half wolfs it was a happy plante full of hard working man and woman,but that all changed when evil space pirates came to midchida and started killing the man and woman of the piacefull plante and took the child of the plante as well including Miyu when miyu was 5 years old to sale at the space black market,one by one the kids where being sold but when miyu was age 10 she ran away from the evil pirates hiding from them (more in the rp) 


Personally-timid,happy,angry (because of the evil pirates),calm,outgoing,kind,helpful


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