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tag:action,slice of life,romance,mecha,school,space,adventure,music

Name- Sora (first) Rinne (last)

Nickname- sky or rin

Age-14 0r 16 (you pick) 

Gender- Female (dressed like a boy)

RS- single 


Looks-(in pic)

Height- 4'6(age 14) 4'11(age 16)

weight- 150kgs

Likes-riding hover bord,riceballs,raman,stars,rabbits,cats,


mecha's,swimming,soda,listing to music(mostly rock or jpop)

Dislikes-school,smoking,animal haters,mecha haters,pervs,being called wired or a loser,rude people,people seeing her mark (thats one her left hand),drankers



and helpful (she also gets into trouble alot and gets hurt alot as well)


Bio-sora was born on june 15th 2075 into a poor family so because males clothes where cheper so sora grown up wearing boy clothe but doesn't mind at all,sora had to help her family so she started working under a old mans shop hovey boreds for a living (which is where she on one),when sora was about 5 years her mother and father died in a car crash so the old man took her in on the same day is when a wired man walked into the shop and grabed sora's left hand burning a mark on it(which is way she has a bandages on it),little did sora know it was a mark to a mecha that only worked with a mark on your body,at the ago of 14 she fell in love with riding her hovey bored all round the city picking things up or just to ride for fun and fell in love with stars.(if you pick age 16)at age 16 she started feel a wired feeling when she found out that the mark was not something nomal it ws to control a mecha(which she finds)(more will be added in rp)



Sora's hover bored

the mark on sora's left hand

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